Here's some example HTML:

    <h1>Are Fats Unhealthy? The Battle Over Dietary Guidelines</h1>
  <p>People are passionate about food.</p>

With HTML5, we have a lot of elements to choose from.

Our goal is to mark up our content semantically.

Not semantic:

  <a href="#">Link</a>
  <a href="#">Link</a>
  <a href="#">Link</a>
    <div>Some heading</div>
    <div>Some content</div>
  <div>Some more content</div>
  <div>Some tangential content</div>


  <a href="#">Link</a>
  <a href="#">Link</a>
  <a href="#">Link</a>
    <h1>Some heading</h1>
    <p>Some content</p>
  <footer>Some more content</footer>
  <aside>Some tangential content</aside>

Finally, here is an example basic structure of a complete HTML document:

              <!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Page title...</title>
    <!-- The head is for document metadata. -->
    <!-- The body is where you put your HTML. -->

Try it!

Using the following structure as a template:

              <!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Page title...</title>
    <!-- The head is for document metadata. -->
    <!-- The body is where you put your HTML. -->

Create a news article document called news.html using at least the following elements:

<p>, <footer>, <header>, <h1>, <h2>, <h3>

Anatomy of CSS code:

p {
  color: red;

Given the following HTML:

              <p>Introductory paragraph.</p>
<p>Main content.</p>
<p>Concluding paragraph.</p>

And the following CSS:

p {
  font-size: 16px;

All three paragraphs will have a font size of 16 pixels.


              <p class="intro">Introductory paragraph.</p>
<p>Main content.</p>
<p>Concluding paragraph.</p>


p {
  font-size: 16px;

.intro {
  font-size: 20px;

An element's size is calculated by using the *box model*.

For a given element, like <p>My paragraph</p>:

My paragraph

Try messing around with the width, padding, border, and margin properties for elements in your news articles.